Monday, December 3, 2012

A Neat Knitting Idea

Since Christmas is upon us, I have been avidly knitting gifts for my friends and family. I have been obsessed with Ravelry for years and always find great patterns and ideas there. One of them has been the Irish Coffee Cozy. Have you ever taken a sip of cold coffee?? YUCK!! So what a neat idea to keep your coffee cup warm. Here is one I made and sent as a gift in a mug swap. Sorry I did not take a better pic.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi I love this! I have that problem every morning! I get my coffee, take a few sips, then I get distracted with the kids or sewing and it's cold when I go and pick it back up again. I would love to purchase one from you if you have a way of letting me do that. Email me and we can talk about it!
    Love the blog so far. You're doing a great job!
